I’ve certainly mentioned it a few times now… and the title of the post clearly gives it away, but I was in London for the Olympics! Just sayin’! (We have an Olympic tradition!) We only went to gymnastics events because tickets were pretty scarce, and that’s our very favorite sport. After 10 days of Olympic excitement my regular work/ life day to day makes for a case of the London blues. Anyone else having Olympic withdraw? When I got home, Andy and I watched tons of platform (eek!) diving, track and field (I love how when they finish they throw themselves on the track and rest!) and Andy’s fave… basketball! With the closing ceremonies, it’s back to Parks and Rec, Seinfeld re-runs, and the National Geographic channel for us!
I thought I’d share my top 10 Olympics/ London moments to re-live my glory days…ha! A few involve crafty/ home decor things. If you followed along on instagram (thecraftblog), feel free to stop reading here. You’ve probably seen most of these!
1: The energy of the arena after the women’s gymnastics team won the gold! In the world of gymnastics, this is the ultimate greatest accomplishment and we were there (in glowing head pieces) to watch Team USA become Olympic Champions. We beat Russia by 5.066 points. That’s is a whole heck of a ton in the gymnastics. All 3 girls could have fallen on bean and we still would have won. Crazy town. We had flags suck in our pony tails and light up headbands. We were the obnoxious spirited Americans!
2: Gabby and her coach, Liang Chow, hugging after she won the All Around title. We were lucky, and had pretty awesome seats in the first place, but the true story is a few of us would sneak ourselves into better seats as often as we could. One might have thought security would be checking to see if you were supposed to be in “athlete seating”, lucky for us that wasn’t the case or maybe our super cool USA jackets made us look like athletes ; ) Thus some of our awesome pictures:
3: My Kate Middleton spotting! She was literally sitting 5 rows in front of us. (Another day of “athlete seating”!) Funny story: A few days before the Kate spotting, my friend made me believe that Michelle Obama was 3 rows in front of us. I was half way to the random woman before she finally told me she was kidding! (Recognizing famous people is not my forte!) So, when Tina told me Kate was “right there”, I didn’t believe her. Thankfully, the sweet British lady sitting next to us confirmed the spotting. The icing on the cake was when the 4 girls on the team not competing walked up the aisle (it was vault finals), Kate jumped up to congratualte them. Gabby even said in a recent interview that meeting Kate was “definitely an exciting experience”. We witnessed this interaction!
4: Staying in the shabby chic meets modern town house in Tooting Bec with 7 other totally awesome people for a week. It makes me miss the craziness of growing up in a family of 8. It was fun “living” in a neighborhood in London and doing things like taking a walk in park and going to the grocery store. We pretended we were Londoners for a week! I LOVED the giant sky lights, the monster bookshelf, and the extra long dining room table.
5: Sight seeing in London and realizing that the London Bridge is just a boring old bridge despite the nursery rhyme fantasy bridge in my head. Yep, the top right picture is the London Bridge. Shocked? I was. It was like realizing there’s no Easter bunny. What I thought of as the London bridge is just a wee bit down the river (bottom left picture) and is called the Tower Bridge.
6: Hearing and listening (and attempting) British accents. I’m not good. At all. But it sure was entertaining to try. Some of our favorite words include: Bloody, tube (subway), biscuit (cracker), loo (bathroom), lad, handbag (purse), rubbish (trash), smashing (awesome) and sweets (candy). And lots of things are lovely. You can have a lovely day or wear a lovely dress… it sounds so… sophisticated.
7: Seeing stalking other famous people at the Olympics. Remember in #2, I said I’m not good at recognizing famous people. I know the name Al Rocker, but I would have never been able to pick him out! Thankfully, I had hawk eyed audience scanners with me : ) Here are a few of my favorites meetings: Al Rocker, Shawn Johnson, Greg Louganis.
8: Watching Germany’s Oskana Chusovitna compete at her 6th Olympics. Competing in 6 Olympics is amazing in itself, but unheard of in the world of gymnastics. Her story is the epitome of maternal love. At 37, Oskana earned the 5th best woman in the world on vault title at the 2012 Olympics games. Wow!
9: Learning to appreciate American appliances (minus the wine opener)! This may sound silly, but you have no idea how great our washers, dryers, hair dryers, dishwashers, etc are compared to the British counterparts. I showed you the house we stayed in (#4) it was not too shabby, but the washer/dryer combo situation was basically un-useable. We attempted 2 loads, and it left clothes damp and wrinklier than a wadded piece of paper. It also randomly stained things. The dishwasher was teeny tiny. Not nearly big enough for our coffee, pasta loving group of 8, and the hairdryers are those kind where you have to hold down the button to keep it on… do you know what I mean? Also, I’m not sure if this is a British thing or an old house thing, but there are NO outlets in the bathrooms… weird, right? This is not a complaint, just a mere observation with a new found appreciation for my daily life in the USA! One day, I will have this mega sturdy wine opener attached to my wall!
10: Deciding to change our tickets and stay for 4 more nights in London! This meant we got to see women’s and men’s event finals! McKayla won a bronze on vault and Aly won a gold on floor and a bronze on beam! While I did not get to actually see the following event happen, it’s pretty comical. Gym parents everywhere will especially appreciate Aly’s enthusiastic parents nervously cheering on their daughter’s bar routine:
And there we have it folks, my top 10 Olympic 2012 memories. What a holiday! (Another favorite British word!) What was your favorite London 2012 moment? What is your favorite sport to watch? Was anyone else in London? Have you ever used a washer/dryer combo? Do you own a giant wine opener? Are you planning on going to Rio in 2016? The official countdown has begun!
Comments & Reviews
What an awesome experience. So smart to stay the extra days, you guys were already there!!! And I KNOW about the appliances … all of ours are european. The US has it made in that department. 🙂
Do you have to use the washer dryer in one thing?!
Don’t be disappointed go to Lake Havasu, AZ! The original London bridge (of song fame) now resides there.
Good to know, thanks!!
Love your top 10 recap! I was hoping I would see you on tv every time I watched the women’s gymnastic events! One of these years Jon and I will make it to the olympics!
I have to agree on the combo washer/dryer thing. I’m british and I hate those things! Seperate one’s are fine though. I also have a hair dryer that you don’t have to hold the button down. The ones you got are the cheap versions, typical in rental houses. 🙂
Also while I appreciate the safety reasons I would love a plug (outlet) in the bathroom! But no we’re not legally allowed them in this country according to building regulations. 🙁
Looks like you had fun and I’m very jealous you got to see the gymnastics up close!
Happy to hear you dont have the washer/dryer combo thing! That’s crazy it’s a law to not have outlets in the bathroom. I guess it makes sense, but where do people typically shave or blow dry their hair or keep their electric toothbrushes? Just curious 🙂
I’ve just read this and discovered what an outlet is 🙂 We call them a plug as well or socket. We have special shaving plugs in our bathrooms but I’m not too sure on the rules of having a normal plug in the bathrooms in NZ… I have one in mine but my place is a little old.
We have a shaver outlet in the bathrooms (well we don’t but you can) and most of the toothbrushes plug into them as do razors. They have a far lower voltage than other electrical appliances so it’s considered safe. As for hair dryers etc I keep mine in my bedroom but everyone is different! My mum’s is in a hall table that has a good mirror. 🙂
As an interesting fact (probably not that interesting actually I’m just amazed by it) my mum had a new bathroom and when they installed the light the law required it to be a specific one. You can buy them in any lighting shop but they’re marked bathroom suitable and you can’t sign of as a builder if it’s not used. If it’s the light actually above the shower it has to have a little extractor fan in it! So many rules I think health and safety can sometimes be a bit mad. 🙂
I think the voltage in america is lower and safer compare to the uk. Maybe thats why it is more dangerous to have on in the bathroom.
Hi Jaime, what awesome moments! LOVE the pics. Do you use an app to display them like that?
My top 10 moment was Valerie Adams from NZ winning gold in the shotput after the gold winner tested positive for banned substances. Valerie has lived and breathed that gold medal forEVER and it was well deserved. All the other moments would be all the NZ winners, for such a small nation we did very well :DD
I used picmonkey.com to make most of the collages. Congrats to NZ!
Thanks for that. I’ve heard people talk about Picmonkey alot, I’ll have a look. I forgot to ask… what’s an outlet? (in reference to your comment ‘there’s no outlets in the bathroom”). Cheers 🙂
This is so funny to read from a Brit perspective. Just to let you know, not all of our appliances are bad! I have a normal washing machine and separate tumble dryer- they work fine, and a normal hairdryer too! We don’t have plug sockets in bathrooms for safety reasons- water and electricity don’t mix!
I’m super jealous that you were so close to Kate and saw the gymnastics! I went to see the Triathlon which was awesome! You can see my write-up here http://www.whatpeggysaid.com/2012/08/olympic-fever-triathlon.html
Hope you enjoyed your time in London! x Kim @ whatpeggysaid
I had a blast in London! I’m happy to hear you have a regular washer and dryer… That all in one thing was crazy town 🙂