Using and reusing everyday items as art is really what C.R.A.F.T. is all about. Diaper boxes get made into a tractors and choo choo trains. Lampshades get up-cyled into needle and thread costumes. Or rocks turn into blank canvases and get painted with monsters or pumpkin or whatever your little heart desires. Recently, Max begs to use my “big black marker” while Mila naps. He loves to outline monsters with a Sharpie and then color them in with crayon. Who can blame him? I love Sharpies too!
Maxwell and I made these rocks together. We picked them out together, we painted them together, and we even made the monsters together. Little sister even helped with the crayons.
What You Need to Paint Rocks:
- Flat rocks
- White, Green, orange, and yellow acrylic paint
- Paintbrushes
- Paper bag (or something else to paint on)
- Black Shaprie
- Crayons
First, we picked out our rocks and then we painted them white. I literally just squirt a little white paint on each rock and let him paint. Sometimes I smooth out the paint and sometimes I don’t. We usually do 2 coats of white paint on each rock. It makes painting them other colors easier.
Max and I talked about what we wanted to paint on the rocks we found since that would determine what color we would paint them. You can see the progression of paint in this picture. We decided on a shot, candy corn, pumpkin, Frankenstein, witch, and a bat for round one of rock painting.
Round two of Halloween rock painting, Maxwell declared he wanted to draw monsters. So, that’s we did! His monster is typically a roundish shape with “a lot of legs”. He asked me to add eyes, wings, and a head to a few. Then, we got out the crayons and colored them monsters. Mils helped with this part. Girlfriends loves her crayons. (Have y’all seen how she climbs on the desk to get crayons?!)
When we finished, we dropped the rocks off at our local park and now are fun game is to go check on the rocks. We hope a kiddo find them and loves them so much they take them home. Or at the very least, smiles when he or she found our rocks! Do y’all ever paint rocks? I’d love to hear…
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